Most Up To Date Law On Road Traffic For Motorbikes In Vietnam

Most Up To Date Law On Road Traffic For Motorbikes In Vietnam The Extra Mile

Written by The Extra Mile

September 13, 2024

TLDR; (Too Long Didn’t Read)

This article highlights some important traffic law of Vietnam citing the exact source, the actual Vietnamese, the English translation and the fines amounts and points deducted in case of a violation.

Disclaimer: This article is last updated on the 11th of January 2025. It is the results of our own research. It does not replace the service of any licensed lawyer. Do not use this article as legal advice. Use these information as a reference. If you need legal assistance, you must reach out to an licensed lawyer. Here is a recap of the below article that compile the most frequently rules and fines related to traffic law in Vietnam for motorbikes:

RuleFine (VND)Points Deducted
Passenger Limits
Carrying more than one passenger2,000,000 – 4,000,000 VND /pax (formely 200,000 – 300,000)4 points
Carrying three or more passengers2,000,000 – 4,000,000 VND /pax (formely 400,000 – 600,000)4-10 points
Failing to wear a helmet or improperly securing one400,000 – 600,000?
Using A Mobile Phone When Driving
Using a mobile phone or audio device while driving800,000 – 1,000,000?
Suspension of driving license for 1-3 monthsSupplementary penalty for using mobile while driving
Suspension of driving license for 2-4 monthsIf the violation causes an accident
Lack of Proper Documentation
No vehicle registration or insurance certificate100,000 – 400,000
No driver’s license for motorcycles under 175cc800,000 – 1,200,000
No driver’s license for motorcycles over 175cc4,000,000 – 6,000,000
Traffic Light and Signal Violations4 points
Running red or yellow lights4,000,000 – 6,000,000 (formely 800,000 – 1,000,000)
Ignoring traffic signals200,000 – 1,000,000
Suspension of driver’s license for 1-3 monthsSupplementary penalty for running lights
Suspension of driver’s license for 2-4 monthsIf the violation causes an accident
Exceeding speed limit by 5-10 km/h200,000 – 300,000
Exceeding speed limit by 10-20 km/h600,000 – 1,000,000
Exceeding speed limit by over 20 km/h4,000,000 – 5,000,000
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
Blood alcohol concentration up to 0.25 mg/L breath2,000,000 – 3,000,000
Blood alcohol concentration 0.25 – 0.4 mg/L breath6,000,000 to 8,000,000 (formely 4,000,000 – 5,000,000)
Blood alcohol concentration over 0.4 mg/L breath30,000,000 to 40,000,000 formely (6,000,000 – 8,000,000)
Other Violations
Failing to signal before overtaking100,000 – 200,000
Honking or using high beams in restricted hours100,000 – 200,000
Stopping or parking on a bridge400,000 – 600,000
Driving the opposite way4,000,000 – 6,000,0002 points

How to use this article:

Newspapers and blogs mostly focus on announcing changes and specifying some laws and regulations. But they rarely show to foreigners the actual textbook. And, we also found out that even if they refer to the law, they rarely give you the actual clause or line where it says exactly what you need in case you truly want to respect the traffic law of Vietnam.

So, if you get pulled over byt the police or you are having a debate on the law with your friends and need to check if you actually violated the law and how much is the fine and how many points you should be deducted officially, this article is meant to help you.

You will find below a recap of all the violations, fines and points deducted. And if you scroll further down, you will have the actual Vietnamese textbook, the decree or clause that stipulate the exact information.

Important: If you see inaccuracies in this article in its current version, please comment or reach out to us and we will do our best to edit the article to match the latest and most accurate information available. Obviously, the goal of this article is to provide the most relevant and updated law on traffic for motorbikes in Vietnam.

About the author

At The Extra Mile we provide premium motorbike services for expats in Vietnam (based in Saigon). Daily, we deal with questions from expatriates about traffic laws in Vietnam when driving a motorbike, regulations in case they want to rent a motorbike, what are the price of traffic fines in Vietnam.

Our team is not providing legal services nor has the qualifications to provide legal advice. So this article is aiming solely at providing a solid basis for these frequently asked questions on traffic law in Vietnam.

Law On Road Traffic For Motorbikes In Vietnam

For reference: It refers to the Vietnamese traffic law from 2008 and 2024. Search Engine Keywords “Luật Giao thông đường bộ” and a few degree that are appendix to this law and provide “updates” on certain aspect of the law.

The Traffic Law from 2008: Luật giao thông đường bộ 2008 số 23/2008/QH12

The Traffic Law from 2024: Luật giao thông đường bộ 2024 số 36/2024/QH15

As you can see there are frequent updates of the law on traffic in Vietnam. We will do our best to stay up-to-date with the latest information we can find.

New 12 Points system for driving licenses

Each holder of a valid driving license in Vietnam will start with 12 points. Every time you violate the law, additionally to paying a fine, you will be deducted a certain amount of points. If, during 12 consecutive months, you do not commit any violation, you will get back your points up to the initial 12 points. If you have no more points, your driving license will be confiscated and you will not have the right to drive any motorbike anymore during at least 6 months from the date you comited the violation. Past this period of 6 months, you can contact the authorities again and they should reissue 12 points on your driving license (you need to pass a test).

The decree describing the details to get back the driving license after loosing all your 12 points: Thông tư 65/2024/TT-BCA

Passenger Limits

Riders of two-wheeled motorbikes and mopeds are allowed to carry only one passenger, except in the following cases, where they are permitted to carry up to two passengers:

  1. Transporting someone who is ill for emergency treatment;
  2. Escorting individuals who have violated the law;
  3. Children under 14 years old.

Source: Luật giao thông đường bộ 2008 số 23/2008/QH12

“Điều 30. Người điều khiển, người ngồi trên xe mô tô, xe gắn máy

  1. Người điều khiển xe mô tô hai bánh, xe gắn máy chỉ được chở một người, trừ những trường hợp sau thì được chở tối đa hai người:

a) Chở người bệnh đi cấp cứu;

b) Áp giải người có hành vi vi phạm pháp luật;

c) Trẻ em dưới 14 tuổi.”

Traffic fines for violating passenger limits

  • Carrying more than one passenger: 2,000,000 – 4,000,000 VND /pax and deducted 4 to 10 points
  • Carrying three or more passengers: 2,000,000 – 4,000,000 VND /pax and deducted 4 to 10 points


Article 30. Section 2. Riders and passengers on two-wheeled motorbikes, three-wheeled motorbikes, and mopeds must wear helmets with the straps properly fastened.

Source: Luật giao thông đường bộ 2008 số 23/2008/QH12

  • *“**Điều 30. Người điều khiển, người ngồi trên xe mô tô, xe gắn máy
  1. Người điều khiển, người ngồi trên xe mô tô hai bánh, xe mô tô ba bánh, xe gắn máy phải đội mũ bảo hiểm có cài quai đúng quy cách.”

Traffic fines for not wearing helmets properly:

Failing to wear a helmet or improperly securing one: 400,000 to 600,000 VND.

And the law doesn’t mention about any standards when it comes to wearing helmets as long as it is strapped. However, to prevent serious accidents it is highly recommended to wear quality helmets, if possible with European or US standards. At The Extra Mile, we do not rent motorbikes without helmets and the models are at least open-face.

Using A Mobile Phone When Driving

Article 30. Section 3. Riders of two-wheeled motorbikes, three-wheeled motorbikes, and mopeds are prohibited from engaging in the following behaviors:

c. Using umbrellas, mobile phones, or audio devices, except for hearing aids;

Source: Luật giao thông đường bộ 2008 số 23/2008/QH12

“Điều 30. Người điều khiển, người ngồi trên xe mô tô, xe gắn máy

  1. Người điều khiển xe mô tô hai bánh, xe mô tô ba bánh, xe gắn máy không được thực hiện các hành vi sau đây: […]

c) Sử dụng ô, điện thoại di động, thiết bị âm thanh, trừ thiết bị trợ thính;”

Traffic fines for using a mobile phone when driving:

  • A fine of 800,000 to 1,000,000 VND will be imposed on riders of motorbikes, mopeds (including electric bikes), similar vehicles, or similar mopeds who use mobile phones or audio devices, except for hearing aids.
  • In addition to the fine, riders may also face supplementary penalties such as:
    • Suspension of driving license for 1 to 3 months.
    • Suspension of driving license for 2 to 4 months if the violation causes a traffic accident.

Lack of Proper Documentation

Article 58. Conditions for Drivers Participating in Traffic

2.When operating a vehicle, drivers must carry the following documents:

a) Vehicle registration;

b) Driving license for motor vehicles as specified in Article 59 of this Law;

c) Certificate of technical safety and environmental protection for motor vehicles as specified in Article 55 of this Law;

d) Certificate of civil liability insurance for the vehicle owner.

ource: Luật giao thông đường bộ 2008 số 23/2008/QH12

“Điều 58. Điều kiện của người lái xe tham gia giao thông

  1. Người lái xe khi điều khiển phương tiện phải mang theo các giấy tờ sau:

a) Đăng ký xe;

b) Giấy phép lái xe đối với người điều khiển xe cơ giới quy định tại Điều 59 của Luật này;

c) Giấy chứng nhận kiểm định an toàn kỹ thuật và bảo vệ môi trường đối với xe cơ giới quy định tại Điều 55 của Luật này;

d) Giấy chứng nhận bảo hiểm trách nhiệm dân sự của chủ xe cơ giới.

About fines for wrong documentation for drivers

  • No vehicle registration or insurance certificate: 100,000 to 400,000 VND.
  • No driver’s license or incorrect/erased license for motorcycles under 175cc: 800,000 to 1,200,000 VND.
  • For motorcycles over 175cc: 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 VND.

Tips: this should be standard (it is for The Extra Mile) but there are several motorbike rental companies not providing certified and notarised copies of such documents when renting their motorbikes to foreigners. This may create tougher situations when being pulled over by the Vietnamese traffic police. The only option you have if that happen is to contact the rental company and hope they can sort such situation. The risk is a fine and some bad experiences with the police.

Traffic Light and Signal Violations

The law on this topic has been updated three times (at least). But the original source is the article 6., Section 4. point e) Failing to comply with traffic light signals.

Source: Luật giao thông đường bộ 2008 số 23/2008/QH12 + NGHỊ ĐỊNH Số: 100/2019/NĐ-CP + NGHỊ ĐỊNH Số: 123/2021/NĐ-CP

“Điều 6. Xử phạt người điều khiển xe mô tô, xe gắn máy (kể cả xe máy điện), các loại xe tương tự xe mô tô và các loại xe tương tự xe gắn máy vi phạm quy tắc giao thông đường bộ […] 4.Phạt tiền […] đối với người điều khiển xe thực hiện một trong các hành vi vi phạm sau đây: […] e) Không chấp hành hiệu lệnh của đèn tín hiệu giao thông;”

Traffic lights violation rules:

Now the fines are as follow:

  • Running red or yellow lights: 800.000 VND to 1.000.000 VND.
  • Ignoring traffic signals or instructions: 200,000 to 1,000,000 VND.
  • Additionally, the act of running a red or yellow light on motorbikes or motorcycles will result in the suspension of the driver’s license for 1 to 3 months.
  • If the act causes a traffic accident, the driver’s license will be suspended for 2 to 4 months.
  • 4 points deducted.

For yellow lights, drivers are required to stop before the line whe the signal changes to yellow. If you are crossing the line at that moment, you can keep going. So all the memes you can find online or the t-shirts advertising for “not respecting” the Vietnamese traffic lights can cost a few inconveniences.


The Article 6: […]

  1. A fine of 200,000 VND to 300,000 VND for (c.) Operating a vehicle exceeding the speed limit by 5 km/h to under 10 km/h.


  1. A fine of 600,000 VND to 1,000,000 VND (a.) Operating a vehicle exceeding the speed limit by 10 km/h to 20 km/h.


  1. A fine of 4,000,000 VND to 5,000,000 VND (a.) Operating a vehicle exceeding the speed limit by more than 20 km/h.

Source: Luật giao thông đường bộ 2008 số 23/2008/QH12 + NGHỊ ĐỊNH Số: 100/2019/NĐ-CP + NGHỊ ĐỊNH Số: 123/2021/NĐ-CP

“Điều 6. Xử phạt người điều khiển xe mô tô, xe gắn máy (kể cả xe máy điện), các loại xe tương tự xe mô tô và các loại xe tương tự xe gắn máy vi phạm quy tắc giao thông đường bộ


  1. Phạt tiền từ 200.000 đồng đến 300.000 đồng đối với người điều khiển xe thực hiện một trong các hành vi vi phạm sau đây:

c) Điều khiển xe chạy quá tốc độ quy định từ 05 km/h đến dưới 10 km/h;


  1. Phạt tiền từ 600.000 đồng đến 1.000.000 đồng đối với người điều khiển xe thực hiện một trong các hành vi vi phạm sau đây:

a) Điều khiển xe chạy quá tốc độ quy định từ 10 km/h đến 20 km/h;


  1. Phạt tiền từ 4.000.000 đồng đến 5.000.000 đồng đối với người điều khiển xe thực hiện một trong các hành vi vi phạm sau đây:

a) Điều khiển xe chạy quá tốc độ quy định trên 20 km/h;”

Drink and drive in Vietnam

Article 6. Penalties for Motorbike and Similar Vehicle Operators Violating Road Traffic Rules

6.A fine of 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 VND for those who drive with a blood alcohol concentration of up to 50 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood or up to 0.25 milligrams per liter of breath.

7.A fine of 6,000,000 to 8,000,000 VND for those who drive with a blood alcohol concentration exceeding 50 to 80 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood or exceeding 0.25 to 0.4 milligrams per liter of breath.

8.A fine of 30,000,000 to 40,000,000 VND for those who drive with a blood alcohol concentration exceeding 80 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood or exceeding 0.4 milligrams per liter of breath.

Source: Luật giao thông đường bộ 2008 số 23/2008/QH12 + NGHỊ ĐỊNH Số: 100/2019/NĐ-CP + NGHỊ ĐỊNH Số: 123/2021/NĐ-CP

“Điều 6. Xử phạt người điều khiển xe mô tô, xe gắn máy (kể cả xe máy điện), các loại xe tương tự xe mô tô và các loại xe tương tự xe gắn máy vi phạm quy tắc giao thông đường bộ

6.Phạt tiền từ 2.000.000 đồng đến 3.000.000 đồng đối với người điều khiển xe thực hiện một trong các hành vi vi phạm sau đây:

c) Điều khiển xe trên đường mà trong máu hoặc hơi thở có nồng độ cồn nhưng chưa vượt quá 50 miligam/100 mililít máu hoặc chưa vượt quá 0,25 miligam/1 lít khí thở.

7.Phạt tiền từ 4.000.000 đồng đến 5.000.000 đồng đối với người điều khiển xe thực hiện một trong các hành vi vi phạm sau đây:

c) Điều khiển xe trên đường mà trong máu hoặc hơi thở có nồng độ cồn vượt quá 50 miligam đến 80 miligam/100 mililít máu hoặc vượt quá 0,25 miligam đến 0,4 miligam/1 lít khí thở.

8.Phạt tiền từ 6.000.000 đồng đến 8.000.000 đồng đối với người điều khiển xe thực hiện một trong các hành vi vi phạm sau đây:

e) Điều khiển xe trên đường mà trong máu hoặc hơi thở có nồng độ cồn vượt quá 80 miligam/100 mililít máu hoặc vượt quá 0,4 miligam/1 lít khí thở.”

Fines for driving under the influence of alcohol in Vietnam

As mentioned above, in Vietnam there is zero-tolerance for driving under the influence of alcohol. This is related to motorbikes, but cars regulations are even more severe.

Just a “funny” side note: you may find some restaurants, bars and nightclubs now offering the Grab to their customers.

Other important laws on Vietnamese traffic

The Article 6 also mention:

  • 100,000 VND to 200,000 VND fine for
    • Failing to signal before overtaking,
    • Honking from 10 PM to 5 AM or using high beams in urban or densely populated areas, except for priority vehicles performing duties as regulated.
  • 400,000 VND to 600,000 VND fine for
    • Stopping or parking the vehicle on a bridge (so all the people you see taking pictures over bridges are fine, unless they are the ones who park their motorbikes on the road.)
  • Additional penalties, for example:
    • the suspension of the driver’s license for 1 to several months. (we don’t want to go too much into details here but the law has some details on this penalty)
    • the confiscation of the vehicle

Ending words

In the introduction section you can find the active law of 2008 and two important decrees updating that law from 2019 and 2021. to that extend, you may find some information in the 2008 law that have already been updated in post amended degrees. That is where the complexity of maintaining such article remains.

As a conclusion: use this article as the most up to date information about Vietnamese traffic law for motorbike drivers but carefully check the latest updated date of our article. If in the meantime, the Vietnamese government changes the law, it might take us time to update our article.

We hope you found this article useful. You should bookmark it to refer to it in the future.

We covered what is related to driving in Vietnam. But if you need, you can also read more about Driving Licenses to ride motorbikes in Vietnam in our other article here:

If you have any question, please leave them in the comment below or contact us directly:

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